Summer Ready 3: Shape-Up with a Total Gym Bootcamp Blast

Posted by: . Posted on: June 4, 2024 Comments: 0

Summer Ready 3: Shape-Up with a Total Gym Bootcamp Blast Maria Sollon, MS, CSCS, PES Step into the summer heat with a fierce determination to sculpt your best self!  As the sun inches higher in the sky, our minds drift to lazy beach days and cool, refreshing dips in the water. But before you slip into that swimsuit, it’s time to harness the energy of the season and prepare your…

Summer Ready 2: Row Your Way to Strong, Defined Muscles

Posted by: . Posted on: May 28, 2024 Comments: 0

Summer Ready 2: Row Your Way to Strong, Defined Muscles Maria Sollon, MS, CSCS, PES Get ready to row your way strong with a workout designed to define your muscles and get your body summer ready! Whether you’re a seasoned rowing enthusiast or a newcomer to the sport, this dynamic routine is guaranteed to elevate your fitness journey while strengthening and conditioning your entire body. Benefits of Rowing Rowing can…

Summer Ready 1: Total Gym Hot Body Workout

Posted by: . Posted on: May 23, 2024 Comments: 0

Summer Ready 1: Prep Your Muscles with a Total Gym Hot Body Workout Maria Sollon, MS, CSCS, PES There’s nothing better than feeling, looking, and being in your best shape for the summertime! As the seasons change, so should your fitness routine. Spring is the perfect time to breathe new life into your workouts and get your body primed for summer. If you’re looking to revitalize your exercise regimen and…

Sciatica Series: Part 3

Posted by: . Posted on: May 7, 2024 Comments: 0

Sciatica Series: Total Gym Exercises for Long-Term Relief Part 3 of 3: Core Strength + Spinal Mobility Maria Sollon, MS, CSCS, PES Don’t let your spine get on your nerves!  Take action with this 3-Part Sciatica Series that will have your body feeling long-term relief in no time! When it comes to sciatica relief, it’s not just about strength or flexibility, it’s about striking the perfect balance between the two.…

Sciatica Series: Part 2

Posted by: . Posted on: May 3, 2024 Comments: 0

Part 2 of 3: Flexibility Maria Sollon, MS, CSCS, PES Welcome back to Part 2 of the Sciatica Series for long-term relief! In Part 2, the focus is on the importance of incorporating flexibility exercises for achieving pain relief.  Strength is also important, but it goes hand in hand with flexibility training.  Without the other, something lacks, therefore, it’s important to develop muscular strength, condition the tissues, and develop flexibility…

Sciatica: Total Gym Exercises for Long-Term Relief

Posted by: . Posted on: May 2, 2024 Comments: 0

Sciatica: Total Gym Exercises for Long-Term Relief Part 1 of 3: Strength Maria Sollon, MS, CSCS, PES Picture this: It’s a new day, a fresh start… You wake up, ready to tackle the day, but as soon as you attempt to rise from your slumber, a lightning bolt of pain shoots down your leg, leaving you crippled with discomfort. Sounds familiar? You’re not alone. Sciatica affects millions worldwide, dampening spirits…


Posted by: . Posted on: April 25, 2024 Comments: 0

HOW TO TRANSITION WINTER TRAINING INTO SPRING ENDURANCE Maria Sollon, MS, CSCS, PES Embrace the Spring Fitness Rebirth! With spring’s arrival, it’s time to shake off the winter blues and embrace a fresh start to your fitness journey. Transitioning from winter workouts to spring routines is the perfect way to rejuvenate both body and mind. Let’s explore the essential steps to prepare for a harmonious transition into the new season.…

Total Gym Heart Strong

Posted by: . Posted on: April 3, 2024 Comments: 0

Total Gym Heart Strong: Igniting Core Sweat for Wellness Power Maria Sollon, MS, CSCS, PES What does heart health mean to you? Every single day, our hearts are the steadfast drumbeats of vitality. Our heart is the engine of our wellness that dictates the longevity of our journey. Heart Health Fun Facts Listed below are 10 Fun Facts that provide helpful information about heart health.  These are insightful facts that…